3rd Edition

Key figures of the 3rd competition:

  • 52 applications files received
  • 16 from countries
  • 3 Winners including Overall Winner


  • National Office of Sanitation (Algeria) – Waste water garden of Temacine / Overall Winner and Category “Resilient facilities and infrastructure”
  • Lisbon Metropolitan Region (Portugal) – Climate change adaptation plan for the Lisbon metropolitan area /  Category “Developments, infrastructure and buildings”
  • National Polytechnic University of Athens (Greece) – Hydrousa: Application of innovative economic models to water cycle management for the Mediterranean region / Category “Preservation of ecosystems and nature-based solutions”

The 3rd edition of the “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards” is organised by the French Agency for ecological transition (ADEME), with the support of its Mediterranean partners the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and Plan Bleu. The award ceremony took place during the online conference “Adaptation to climate change in the Mediterranean: feedback and best practices”.

Programme : (Click here to download PDF – 674 Ko)

Press release : French / Arabic / English


Find replays in French, Arabic or English below:

ONLINE CONFERENCE: "Adapting to climate change in the Mediterranean: feedback and best practices"

The 3rd edition of the “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards”

CONFERENCE EN LIGNE : « Adaptation au changement climatique en Méditerranée : retours d’expérience et bonnes pratiques »

Les 3e Trophées de l’adaptation au changement climatique en Méditerranée

ؤتمر على الإنترنت "التكيّف مع تغير المناخ في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط: الخبرات المكتسبة والممارسات الجيدة"

الطبعة الثالثة لجوائز البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​للتكيف مع تغير المناخ

3rd Edition Winners


National Office of Sanitation (Algeria) - Waste water garden of Temacine

Action: The project is based on using gravity to infiltrate untreated waste water from homes downwards through layers of sand and gravel, as well as treatment using specially selected plants to adapt to local climate conditions. This simple and sustainable solution eliminates the technical and economic issues found in «traditional» facilities.
Category "Resilient facilities and infrastructure"


Lisbon Metropolitan Region (Portugal) - Climate change adaptation plan for the Lisbon metropolitan area

Action: Considering the framework of climate adaptation challenges, the Lisbon Metropolitan Area Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAACAML) promotes the integration of adaptation to climate change into intermunicipal and municipal planning, creating a culture of cross-cutting cooperation between the sectors and actors in the region and ultimately reinforcing AML’s territorial resilience.
Category "Developments, infrastructure and buildings"


National Polytechnic University of Athens (Greece) - Hydrousa: Application of innovative economic models to water cycle management for the Mediterranean region

Action: HYDROUSA aims at closing all water loops at local level, taking advantage of local resources, promoting the concept of decentralised water, materials and energy conservation, treatment and reuse, boosting the agricultural and energy profile in water scarce areas.
Category "Preservation of ecosystems and nature-based solutions"